How Many Dogs Played Enzo in the Art of Racing in the Rain

Many people don’t know that the role of Enzo in the Art of Racing in the Rain was played by several different dogs. In total, there were six different dogs who played Enzo throughout the course of the film. The first dog who played Enzo was named Leo.

He was a golden retriever and he did a great job in the film. However, he was only used for shots that didn’t require any dialogue. For all of Enzo’s speaking scenes, another dog named Rocky was used.

Rocky was also a golden retriever and he did an amazing job portraying Enzo’s personality on screen.

There were three different dogs who played Enzo in “The Art of Racing in the Rain”! The first dog, named “Buddy,” was used for most of the close-up shots. The second dog’s name was “Sunny” and Sunny was used mostly for the running scenes.

Lastly, there was a third dog whose name was “Bear” and Bear was used for some of Enzo’s more intense scenes (like when he’s barking aggressively). All three dogs did an amazing job and it’s hard to believe that only one actor could play all three parts!

DENNY IS MEETING HIS LITTLE FAN (ENZO) | The Art of Racing in the Rain | (SCENE 1)

What Breed of Dog is Enzo in the Art of Racing in the Rain

If you’ve read the novel, The Art of Racing in the Rain, or seen the movie adaptation, then you know Enzo is a golden retriever. But what breed of dog is he? Many people assume Enzo is a purebred golden retriever.

However, this isn’t the case. In reality, Enzo is a mutt. His father was a labradoodle and his mother was a golden retriever.

So why does Enzo look so much like a golden retriever if he’s only half golden retriever? It turns out that goldendoodles tend to have more Golden Retriever characteristics than Labrador Retriever characteristics. This means that Enzo inherited more Golden Retriever traits from his father than he did from his mother.

Despite being a mutt, Enzo is still an excellent example of the Golden Retriever breed. He has all the characteristic features of a Golden Retriever, including their signature coat color and friendly disposition.

How Many Dogs Played Enzo in the Art of Racing in the Rain


What Dog Played Enzo in The Art of Racing in the Rain?

The Art of Racing in the Rain is a novel by Garth Stein that was published in 2008. The book follows the life of Enzo, a golden retriever, who is owned by race car driver Denny Swift. Enzo has thoughts and observations about his life and the world around him, which he shares with the reader.

The role of Enzo in the film adaptation of The Art of Racing in the Rain was played by Milo, a male Labrador Retriever. Milo was born in 2005 and began his career as a dog actor in 2007. He has appeared in numerous films and television shows, including Marley & Me (2008), Beginners (2010), We Bought a Zoo (2011), and White God (2014).

Is Enzo a Real Dog?

Yes, Enzo is a real dog. He was born in Italy in 1996 and died in 2010. Enzo was of the breed called an Alaskan Malamute.

Does Kevin Costner Like Dogs?

Yes, Kevin Costner likes dogs. He has two Labrador Retrievers that he calls his “best friends.”

How Old was the Dog in The Art of Racing in the Rain?

The dog in The Art of Racing in the Rain was 8 years old.


The author of the blog post starts by asking how many dogs played Enzo in the Art of Racing in the Rain. The answer is that there were three different dogs who played Enzo at different stages of his life. The first dog, named Mojo, was used for most of the filming.

However, Mojo was not available for all of the scenes, so two other dogs, named Simon and Jack, were used as well. The author goes on to say that each dog had their own personality and quirks. For example, Mojo was very energetic and loved to play fetch.

Simon was more laid back and liked to cuddle. And Jack was somewhere in between – he loved playing but also enjoyed relaxing with his humans. Each dog brought something special to the role of Enzo and helped make the movie what it is today.